Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March 28th - First vet visit

Today was Kodo's first vet trip. The clinic I go to is really close to us and has a huge office. We walked in and signed in with the receptionist- and the first group of people stopped us, asked what breed of dog he was and gave him love, which of course he just soaked up. He particularly seems to like kids petting him- maybe cuz they are closer to his height.. :)

So I sat down and got another 3 or 4 groups of people coming up to me and commenting on how cute and sweet he was (and what BIG paws he had!) before we got called into the back for our appointment. First off we got a weigh-in- we didn't know how much he weighed when we brought him home, so we were excited to find out. He was 43 pounds!!! So he outweighs his Auntie Daphne and cousin Lily, and is fast approaching cousin Chiefers!

We waited in the exam room for the vet to come in, and when she did the first things she said were about how handsome he was too!! That always helps me warm up to a new vet faster.. :) She apparently is a big Berner fan, and is really familiar with the orthopedic and health problems of the breed, which is also a big reassurance. She did a basic exam on him while I asked all my stupid-new-puppy-mom questions about his hiccuping and eating grass, etc... He did have a bit of conjunctivitis in his eyes, so she gave me an ointment for him (and boy does he LOVE having us put THAT in!), and finished off his booster shots and gave him his rabies and bordatella vaccines so he will be all ready for puppy classes starting beginning of May. I was holding one of his favorite yummy treats in front of him while he got his shots, and he didn't even blink. He really wasn't a big fan of the nose spray for bordatella tho.. The vet did say other than the eyes he seemed to be in good shape and good weight.

On the way out he made a bunch more friends.. and I got a call from the reception desk later saying that someone there wanted the contact info for the breeder that we got him from. So he is being a great ambassador for his breed! :)

After the vet visit we made a quick trip to visit my mom and dad and let Kodo and Daphne play together for a bit- Daph seemed to be quite a bit bouncier and Kodo wasn't so sure about all the hyper energy though he seemed to enjoy the playing too. Until he got sleepy.. :)

I was getting a little worried since he didn't seem to be interested much in any toys other than his rawhides and I didn't want him to get bored, so I picked him up a BusterCube maze ball at PetSmart in the morning. This is a great interactive toy where you put pieces of food inside and the dog has to keep turning and rolling the ball to make the food fall out..

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