Friday, February 28, 2014


Official Birthday Portrait!

Too darn cold to pose her outside in front of pretty scenery, so will have to settle for cable clutter and fur-covered carpet.  She is still beautiful though!


Gives new meaning to the term "BONEHEAD"!!!!  :)

The Howling

"Happy Birthday to MEEEEE...!!"  The Princess is 2!  Technically at midnight tonight since she was a leap year baby, but we will celebrate today.  And maybe tomorrow.  :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014


I will leave it to you to guess whose idea THIS was.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

3-Mile Run

So tired tonight after running over 3 miles in the park after work!  She is sleeping halfway up the wall again, no idea why or how this is comfortable.

Monday, February 17, 2014


In the car on the way home from a hike/run in the metroparks, she crashed hard.  Fortunately, there was a soft place to rest her head.  :)

No idea.. she even got in this position, let alone WHY she decided it would be comfortable to sleep this way.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Double Belly!

The Princess

Not spoiled.  Nope, not at all. Not even a little bit.  I only have 6 bones surrounding me. If there were EIGHT bones, perhaps you could make a case for it.  But 6?


Peaceful morning

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Synchronized Sleeping

A new Olympic sport. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

3 weeks post-surgery

Tali's tummy incision seems to have healed up really well with no complications.  She is back to full energy (plus a little extra, lucky us!), and even her tummy fur is beginning to grow back in. 

We have changed her living arrangements a bit- instead of having mostly full run of the downstairs while we are at work she is now confined to our morning room- tiled, easy to control contents.  It is a fairly large room- probably at least 10' x 20', so better than a crate.  And she has all her toys and her brother in the space with her.  She is a little crazy when I get home from work, but at least it is a lot less likely she will get into something that will send her back to surgery. Not impossible, mind you- she is a very gifted little dog- but less likely.  :)   

The only thing she has managed to destroy since the new schedule was implemented was a package of pepperoni and a small container of pizza sauce that were left on top of the stove for 5 minutes while the human walked upstairs.  Don't even ask what sort of mess pizza sauce makes on a beige carpet!

One week of practice..

.. and Tali is now a treadmill expert!  She is up to 10-13 minute stretches at a time.  And she is having such fun with it!  She will go into the room and stand on the treadmill at random intervals, and when I am getting ready to run on it myself I get a guilt-trip face.  All I have to do is ask her "Tali, do you want to go treadmill?"  and she will get all excited and run right in.  The fact that we are giving her treats intermittently during the runs (trots?) helps of course, but this is such a good way to keep her exercised when the weather (and the local sidewalks) aren't conducive to outdoor dog walks or runs.  And we all know what happens when she doesn't get enough exercise!

To allay all concerns, I should add that the leash is being held by a human, not attached to the treadmill itself.  And she is under constant supervision by one of us standing on the edge of the treadmill and holding the leash.  That allows us to monitor her to see if she is getting too tired, as well as be present if she slips or something bad happens.  We want all her treadmill experiences to be good ones so she doesn't get afraid of the treadmill, making us have to go back to walking her in sub-zero temps!  :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Stair Toll

There is a baby gate across the landing of our stairs so Tali can't get all the way up (she is waaay too fond of the contents of laundry hampers).  So every time I go upstairs, Tali tries to get ahead of me on the stairs, then flops full length along a step so I am forced to pet the ears and belly before going forward.  Same thing coming down- she is always lying there waiting for me with her sad little chin on the next stair up, and she won't move until she gets some love.  She does have looking pathetic down to an art form!