Saturday, February 8, 2014

3 weeks post-surgery

Tali's tummy incision seems to have healed up really well with no complications.  She is back to full energy (plus a little extra, lucky us!), and even her tummy fur is beginning to grow back in. 

We have changed her living arrangements a bit- instead of having mostly full run of the downstairs while we are at work she is now confined to our morning room- tiled, easy to control contents.  It is a fairly large room- probably at least 10' x 20', so better than a crate.  And she has all her toys and her brother in the space with her.  She is a little crazy when I get home from work, but at least it is a lot less likely she will get into something that will send her back to surgery. Not impossible, mind you- she is a very gifted little dog- but less likely.  :)   

The only thing she has managed to destroy since the new schedule was implemented was a package of pepperoni and a small container of pizza sauce that were left on top of the stove for 5 minutes while the human walked upstairs.  Don't even ask what sort of mess pizza sauce makes on a beige carpet!

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