Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 28 - Dog park video

Bri and I both went to the dog park with Kodo today. We met another Berner- a really sweet 3-yr old girl who does agility. I got Berner-girl kisses and love, and I got to talk to her owner a bit too- lots of fun! Brian got some good video of Kodo romping with a 3 or 4-month-old boxer puppy. They play so rough- both like babies who refuse to admit when they are tired. Really funny to watch though, and the boxer's people seemed to be enjoying it too..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 6 - More dog park

Took Kodo up to the dog park Thursday evening, and again on Saturday. Thursday he met a handsome Swissie and a large number of other dogs. Saturday I took him up there to wear him out before he met Uncle Jay for the first time. When I got there, there were no dogs there at all!! A couple dogs (and their people) trickled in within 20 minutes though- I guess there was a dog swim in the area that most of the event-oriented puppy owners had gone to instead.

Today was super-exciting, because we saw our first other Berner there! He was a very handsome boy named Bailey- less than two years old and Kodo had about 5 pounds on him, plus a couple inches at the shoulder! :) Poor pup apparently had shoulder AND hip problems, but he seemed to be getting around OK. And his owners were very nice and friendly as well.

Kodo has started a habit I am not really happy with- as soon as I leash him and we leave the dog park he flops down and refuses to move. Judging by the heavy panting I think he is mostly just really tired not trying to be difficult, but it is a little frustrating that if I leave him IN the dog park he 'forgets' about how tired he is and starts running around again. I think next time I take him, I am going to leash him and give him forced 'time-outs' every 20-30 minutes for 5 minutes or so so he can rest, then let him join the throng again. Will see how that goes...

I hope I can find a time to go when Brian can come too- if both of us are there we may be able to get some pictures or video of Kodo running around like a crazy man. He has sooo much fun there!!