Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 6 - More dog park

Took Kodo up to the dog park Thursday evening, and again on Saturday. Thursday he met a handsome Swissie and a large number of other dogs. Saturday I took him up there to wear him out before he met Uncle Jay for the first time. When I got there, there were no dogs there at all!! A couple dogs (and their people) trickled in within 20 minutes though- I guess there was a dog swim in the area that most of the event-oriented puppy owners had gone to instead.

Today was super-exciting, because we saw our first other Berner there! He was a very handsome boy named Bailey- less than two years old and Kodo had about 5 pounds on him, plus a couple inches at the shoulder! :) Poor pup apparently had shoulder AND hip problems, but he seemed to be getting around OK. And his owners were very nice and friendly as well.

Kodo has started a habit I am not really happy with- as soon as I leash him and we leave the dog park he flops down and refuses to move. Judging by the heavy panting I think he is mostly just really tired not trying to be difficult, but it is a little frustrating that if I leave him IN the dog park he 'forgets' about how tired he is and starts running around again. I think next time I take him, I am going to leash him and give him forced 'time-outs' every 20-30 minutes for 5 minutes or so so he can rest, then let him join the throng again. Will see how that goes...

I hope I can find a time to go when Brian can come too- if both of us are there we may be able to get some pictures or video of Kodo running around like a crazy man. He has sooo much fun there!!

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