Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 6th - They grow up so fast!

Kodo has been teething practically since he came home- we figure this explains the obsessive rawhide-chewing.. Anyway, when he smiles at me I keep noticing little red holes in his gums where puppy teeth used to be. Then a few days later a big dog tooth is growing in its place. I would say he has probably lost at least 5 or 6 of the ones near the front that I can see easily.

And then the other day Brian and I noticed that he has a band of big-dog fur on his tail too! Most of his coat is soft fuzz, but this is shiny and coarser and definitely stands out. And it has been spreading- the band is now nearly 2 inches wide. I am torn- part of me is excited that he is growing up, but part of me doesn't want to lose that adorable coat of soft puppy fuzz.. :)

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