Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 3rd - Recovery

He was feeling MUCH better today. We had more problems keeping him from going crazy and running and bouncing than anything else. I took a half-day of vacation since we were going to the Cavs game in the evening and I didn't want him to be in the crate all day and all night, so we spent the afternoon together. The weather was nice enough that we spent some time sitting on the back patio just enjoying the outside. We have a group of trees along the back line of our property, so there are always a ton of birds, squirrels, and the occasional groundhog for him to watch.. Kodo is a big fan of birds, airplanes, you name it- any time anything flies by overhead he will stare at it intently as it passes. When he gets this intense look on his face you can almost see the big Berner he is becoming..

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