Thursday, March 1, 2018


In 2007, we had started talking about getting our first dog. New house, fence planned for next spring, so the timing seemed right.  We had bounced around breeds for a bit until at a dog show we started chatting with a really nice lady (who we found out later was one of the better known breeders and show-ers of Bernese in our state and possibly the country). She brought this young boy Berner out for us to meet and he shoulder-rolled into our laps and lay there for belly-rubs for a half-hour.. and we were hooked.

Early 2008 we started doing research into breeders and had struck up an email conversation with one about 2-3 hours drive from us. She invited us out to visit so we could get to know each other. We spent probably over an hour answering her questions and asking her our own (and meeting one or two of her adults) before she brought the puppies out to see us.  2 males, 15-16 weeks old, and one female around 12-13 weeks.  The bigger boy was constant motion, grabbing my scarf, running around in circles.  The girl hid under a chair and wouldn't come visit.  But the other boy?  Put his paws up on my knee, then tucked himself between my legs and the chair and stared up at me while I rubbed his chest and fuzzy little ears.  Again, hooked.

We drove home, talking about the second little guy, trying to decide if we were ready.  Spent the evening bouncing ideas back and forth, wobbling on the decision.  We ordered Chinese food for dinner that night, and when Brian cracked open his cookie the fortune read "You are offered the dream of a lifetime.  Say yes."

We did. And he was.  He really, really was. Today, after 10 years and 3 months of joys and walks, jokes and romps, drool and tracked mud, love and companionship, the greatest heart I have ever known stopped beating. I feel like half my heart is gone.

RIP Kodo, 12/1/2007-3/1/2018


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