Friday, March 2, 2018

Adjusting to the new norm

There is going to be a long road ahead of us to adjust to the new normal, but it has to start with baby steps.  Today we started the day seeing snow on the ground for the first time in a while.  Yesterday's weather pretty much exemplified the mood of the day.  Today there were still definite bouts of sadness for both of us.  Instead of a cold and blustery storm which occurred all day yesterday, today was beautiful and calm outside.  Winter was always Kodo's favorite weather, so after yesterday, today's mix of snow and the sunshine almost felt like he was sending this amazing day in his own pooh-bear way.

We decided to enjoy the moments with the little ones beginning with a romp in the back yard.  We started play tug with Dozer and his long, rope...while Tali went off to her normal treebark eating.

Dozer was getting some pretty good height trying to go for the rope:

We also made sure to spent time with the bunny, even though she was kinda doing her own independent walkabout:

Since we had been preoccupied over the last week, we thought it best to spoil the pups and also take them out to the metroparks.  I made sure to bring the good camera to capture the moments.

Thanks for the beautiful day, Kodo.  I see you up there looking down on us right now:

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