Saturday, January 18, 2014

Surgery scare

Wednesday evening, when I came home from work it looked like Tali had thrown up her breakfast on the couch.  Then she wasn't really interested in eating her dinner.  This is very unusual for her- she has a stomach of iron and usually she will eat anything that doesn't eat her first... then go on a hunt to see if she can find something else to eat.  I coaxed her and she ended up getting the whole bowl down.  Kept an eye on her that evening and she seemed to have kept everything down OK.

Next morning, same hesitancy about breakfast.  I was getting a bit concerned, but decided to wait till after work and see what happened then.  When I got home she had much less bounce than usual, didn't want to play with Kodo, and- most telling of all- had no interest in treats, so I called the vet's office and made an evening appointment to bring her in.  I was thinking it was possible one of the chunks of rubber backing from the doormat might have gotten caught somewhere in her insides and caused a blockage.  While I was driving her there, she threw up again.

At the vet's office I told the story of the doormat.  They took her back for x-rays, which came out fairly inconclusive- she had a lot of something in her stomach, but could still just be food.  They had me give her antacid, take her home, not feed her Thursday dinner or breakfast Friday morning, then bring her in for re- xraying Friday afternoon.  At the next day's appointment everything looked exactly the same, so they determined they would have to operate that afternoon.

Friday evening- she had made it through surgery with flying colors, and they had removed THREE FEET of carpet yarn from her stomach!!  When we came to pick her up Saturday afternoon they gave us the bag as a souvenier- the clump was bigger than her head.  Truly an impressive dog!!

Poor little bunny!  She is now sleeping and trying to heal.  Here's hoping we can keep her quiet and medicated appropriately for the next week so everything heals up right.  And keep all the wrong things out of her path going forward, since I would be willing to wager she hasn't  learned a thing from this.  I do NOT want to go through this again! 

Resting up:

Poor shaved tummy!  All the other dogs are gonna laugh!  Plus she might catch cold!  :(

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