Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Toy

I got Tali a new dog toy for a Christmas present.  Because heaven knows they don't have enough toys around here. *ahem*  Anyways.

She LOVES this thing.  It has become her favorite to end all favorites.  She pounces on it, throws it up in the air, plays soccer with it, carries it around all the time, tries to sneak it outside when my back is turned (fuzzy stuffie toys are NOT outside toys in this house), plays fetch with it (when we can get her to drop it so we can throw) and sleeps with it.  I ended up buying her a couple more because I figured she was going to beat up #1 in short order.  She now has small lemon and orange varieties and a large grape one, and trades off which is her favorite on any given day.

We are trying to teach her to self-correct when she gets really excited in the mornings and when we get home from work (instead of barking and jumping and jumping and jumping and barking and running and barking).  So when she starts getting wound up we tell her "Get your toy!" and she grabs one of these things and runs around manically squeaking it.  No jumping, no barking.  It works great, and we have been praising so hard for it that sometimes she does it on her own before we even tell her!

These things are called Furballz from goDog, but we (I) have nicknamed them Disgust-A-Balls since her habit of toting them around everywhere means their fur is now caked and matted with dog spit.  And they are frequently slimy.

Hallway fetch with Disgust-a-Ball #2 (orange flavor):

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