Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dog-run in the rain

At least today was warm, even though there was wind and the rain was coming down.  Today Rylee and I got to her longest distance so far- around 2.5 miles.  We had two 10-minute run pieces with a 3-minute walk break between and warm-up and cool-down walks on either end.  We ran on a sidewalk next to a busy-ish road today, and she listened to me really well and didn't get nervous when the cars swooshed by.  She is getting really good about getting into her 'zone' and staying where she needs to be next to me instead of falling behind my feet, tripping me, or criss-crossing from side to side.  

If things go well on all fronts, I am hoping she can run her first 5K with me this spring (not before then only because I am too much of a wuss to run outside in sub-freezing temps!  :)  ).  I am planning on getting a vet checkup and clean orthopedic bill of health on her first before I extend the distances any further, but I watch her carefully for any signs of tiring for now, and she looks like she is having the time of her life and could do the distance all over again!  :)

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