Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 21st - Graduation!

Today was the big day- Kodo's class was having their test for the end of the beginning-level obedience class he was enrolled in. The instructors had given us the list of tasks in advance, so we had been practicing all week. The test was sort of a lite version of the Canine Good Citizen test- mostly the same tasks, but with less distraction, less duration, and we were allowed to use treats.

We weren't too concerned about most of the tasks- he is pretty reliable on his off-lead 'Come', even with distractions. His 'Sit-Stay's and 'Down-Stay's are really good- we regularly take him up over a minute when we practice at home, and the longest time for these was 45 seconds. His walking on a loose leash is really good too (providing we aren't in the park with unexpected yummy smells, people and animals around). Plus we brought the string cheese and hot-dog pieces as extra incentive! :)

The one task we were really worried about was the 'greeting a stranger' task where the handler puts the dog into sit-stay next to them, then the examiner comes up and greets the handler, shaking their hand, etc. Now Kodo has a HUGE problem sitting quietly when anyone new comes up in his vicinity- usually that big old tail starts thumping, he starts panting and smiling, and as soon as the person comes close enough he turns to lunging, jumping, and licking. He hates missing out on ANY potential new friends who come past him (he has become the master of the 'drive-by licking'- when we walk him through a crowd he will suddenly snake his head sideways and slurp the hand (or any other available body part) of a random complete stranger walking the other way. If we are lucky, the person is a dog lover and they smile and say 'Awww- how cute!'.. But I do have to admit it would be a bit disconcerting if I were them!! :) ). Anyway, surprisingly he passed this one with flying colors!!! It helped that the examiner didn't make eye contact with him or speak to him, and that she shook Brian's hand really quickly and moved on, but still!! We are so proud! Of course, the CGC version of this involves the examiner asking to PET the dog, and the dog being polite and staying put while they do so. Needless to say Kodo isn't quite ready for THAT level just yet!!!

So he passed!! And so did his cousin Chiefers and Lily who were taking the class with us! Doggie ice creams all around!!!

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