Monday, June 30, 2008



Ok…this is REALLY funny. It happened a few weeks ago, but I'm just finally posting it up now...

So I went home to let Kodo out. My routine with him is to fill a kong and give it to him before leaving him alone for the afternoon. Well, I got the kong all ready. Kodo was obviously excited, 'cuz he was following me around. Well, of course he has to earn the Kong too...So I said "Sit!" ...and as always, Kodo sat. Well, this time was different. As soon as he sat, I hear a "Meh!!!" from somewhere. Apparently Pippin (our black kitty) was right underneath him...and he got sat on! The funniest parts:

  1. Kodo didn't even notice and kept staring intently at the treat and
  2. Pippin was flat on the floor and pawing his way to try and pry himself loose…to no avail. (Trust me, I know...when Kodo sits on me, I can barely pry myself lose...much less a 7lb cat.)

I had to tell Kodo "Up!" to get Pippin free! I didn't have a camera, but it was just priceless. No black kitties were harmed during the sitting of this pup.

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