Saturday, May 12, 2018

BFW Walk 2018!

The Bernese Friends Worldwide Facebook group and its founder organized a bunch of years ago to create this one day a year for people to get together with all the other Berner folks in their area to walk with their dogs and share the love of our awesome breed.  This event has grown every year- some cities have over 100 dogs in their meetups. We aren't likely to hit those numbers anytime soon, but walking in a bunch with 18 Berners and their people is a really amazing feeling- a river of gently foofing tricolor tails and a sea of tricolor smiles. Great folks, great time.  And we managed to just barely get packed up and headed out before the downpour started! #BuildingFriendshipsWorldwide #ClevelandRocks #BFWWalk2018



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