Friday, February 23, 2018

The worst day

Today we had the vet visit that every Berner-owner dreads.  Kodo, our just-turned-10, had been having mobility issues over the last 6 months (arthritis), but the last couple weeks he had been a lot worse.  And last weekend he started refusing his kibble (though he would eat soft treats and some canned foods).  We assumed he had a tooth issue and took him in for that, but the bloodwork they did on him came back with low platelet and red blood cell counts- a frequent marker for cancer.  Today, we had an abdominal ultrasound and a number of other tests, and they are fairly certain it is Histio.  Because of his age and general condition, we are not willing to put him through surgery or chemo (even if those did have a high probability of success, which for this form of cancer they do not).  We are planning on spoiling him this week with with roast beef and hamburger patties and puppaccinos and lots of love (and maybe an outing to his favorite park if he seems like his legs will hold up), then we will let him go next weekend.  First Berner, first love, heart dog.

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