Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baby Berner meeting!!

We took Kodo for a walk in the Metros to enjoy the fantastic weather. As we were about to turn in to the Rocky River nature center parking lot where we had left the car, we see a baby Berner and his dad coming out of the parking lot! Needless to say, I started squealing and bouncing up and down..

He and Kodo did some playing and pawing each other in the head while the puppy's dad talked to us. Sounds like he ws on his way home, saw us walking Kodo, and had to stop so he could see the full-grown version and chat. Gotta love Berner people!! :)

Anyway, puppy's name was Gunner, and he was about 4 months old. And cute as a button. Did I mention I want another puppy now? :)

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