Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blizzard aftermath

We had the corners of the nasty storm on the east coast hit us Friday evening and night. Forecast was saying 6 inches tops, so I didn't worry too much.. Until I got up Saturday morning. I would say we got close to a foot.. and the heavy winds had swept some patches bare and deposited them where it thought they would do the most good (namely the middle of our driveway). In the back yard, there was a semi-circle where you could actually see grass for about 10-15 feet out around the house, then a 2-3 foot barrier drift, then most of the rest of the yard was about a foot deep again till you get to the back hill which had a 2+ foot drift on its edge. Most of the patio had also been cleared off and that snow was pushed in a three-foot drift against our back door. Fortunately, Kodo is big enough to plow through that, so I could let him go out BEFORE I got around to cleanup.

Watching Kodo play in the snow yesterday and this morning was an experience! He would break through the crust on one of the big drifts, then bunny hop along through it (since it came up to his tummy and was too deep to walk normally) with a gleam in his eye and his tail wagging madly. Once he got to a shallower spot, he rooted into the snow with his nose until his whole face was covered like a mask, ate some of the snow to refresh himself, then bounded off to find a new drift to wallow in. Once he got a little tired, he would find the perfect spot sniffing around, then flop himself down on his "snow couch" for a rest. I have never seen another creature so purely delighted by snow before he came into our lives. I hate cold and snow with a passion myself, so he is the only thing that makes winter bearable for me.. Now he just needs a Berner sister so he has somebody who can romp with him as long as he wants to stay out (I tend to cave and hustle myself inside after about 5-10 minutes).

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