Saturday, August 31, 2019

Eating apples...

...almost always causes an armpit-surprise.

My buddy

sharing a cool patio evening.  Have to savor the weather when it is in this sweet spot, since it never lasts long enough.


So yesterday we decided to take Doz and Tali to the park for a hike. I put Dozer’s harness on him, and gave him his leash to hold about half an hour before we were going out the door so we could avoid the crazy barking and jumping when the leashes come out. Apparently, with my brain it is a bad idea to change up our routine like that. As I discovered when we got to the park and realized that Dozer’s leash was not with us. 😕

Fortunately, Tali’s leash is a 2-parter- one bungee section that hooks to her collar and a waist belt so we can go hands-free.  So Tal got the belt hooked to her collar, Doz got the actual leash, and off we went.

Two things that came out of this – I am reminded of only a few short years ago when Tali used to pull like a little freight train and there is no way we would’ve been able to make that situation work. And two, I remembered to put the spare leash back in the car again.


Monday, August 26, 2019


So, a little story. When Dozer came home, we ended up closing off the upstairs and several rooms on the main floor with baby gates so the baby could be kept in eye and ear-shot at all times so he didn’t make (quite as many) bad choices.  The big toy box with all the dog toys was on the other side of one of the gates so I could trade their toys in and out (they get bored if they see things for too long, and putting it away for a week is as good as buying them something new). 
We finally took down that baby gate this past week. And the dogs have been taking full advantage of that toybox access. 😂Bones strewn everywhere- worse than Legos!


We had one single tomato plant on the patio in a cage that was not in the fenced in garden area. There was one tomato on this plant that was almost ripe. I checked on it after work... aaaand found a gigantic Bernese-sized bite out of the side. I would usually be tempted to blame Dozer, but I think this time I can pin the culprit by the yellow stains on her nose. :/

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cool day park

Nice cooler day with highs in the low 70s, so we took the puppies for a couple hours in the park.

Friday, August 23, 2019


I know we have talked about the difference between Berner genders before, but I had a perfect example this morning. Dozer spent in the last hour-plus demanding petting and trying to climb under my skin so he could be closer while Tali lay 10 feet away and took a nap. 😂

Sunday, August 18, 2019

75 uses for a Bernese Mountain Dog

27) light-blocking eye mask

Lazy morning

Daddy’s home!

The little muffin missed her daddy SOOOOOO much. Whereas Dozer just wants what is in the McDonald’s bag.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Tried to hike the babies after work today. Waited until 730, when it was nice and cool. Twinkie got all wound up as soon as she saw the leashes come out, but I got drama from her as soon as we got out on the trail. I think I will probably have to leave her behind the next couple days since she really doesn’t seem like she’s having any fun with walks lately. 😪 Doz of course was his usual self charging around from one side of the trail to the other. And he got swarmed by two packs of kids tonight, which is his top favorite thing. Almost knocked a medium-small little over by leaning on her too hard. 🙄

Patio Piggies

 Just hanging out on the patio now that mama is *finally* out of work! It is so nice to have decent weather to spend time with them outside without them overheating!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Morning memories

Lazy patio morning with my buddy and my coffee before the sun gets too high and it gets too warm.  I love that Dozer is turning into such a patio friend! Kodo always used to do that with me when the weather was OK, and I really miss that. Tali will sometimes come outside with me, but she insists on lying in the grass 20 feet away, which isn’t quite as companionable. :)

Friday, August 2, 2019

Warm-day hiking

Temps were due to top out in the low 80s, so we did a small, slow hike in our park on a shaded trail that was packed dirt, not paved. With lots of rest and water breaks. Puppies are really sleepy now.