Kodo actually got tagged by one of the kitties today- mostly by accident I think.
He and Weeble have this ?game? going where Kodo will bounce and bark at Weeble and Weebs will hiss and make a growly run at Kodo while Kodo bounces out of reach. Then after a couple repeats of this, Kodo turns his back and Weebs will charge at him from the rear growling and tap his tail or foot with a paw. They had been doing this for about 5 minutes, then Kodo sat by us and took a break, while Weebs sat on the arm of the couch. Kodo then starts backing out of the space between the couches, and turns his head just at the wrong moment as Weebs decided to do a sneak attack from the rear. It happened too fast to see well- Kodo let out a little yip.. we took a look at him but didn't see any problems.. until an hour later when he rolled his eyes at me and I saw a bloodshot spot in the corner.. :(
We ran him up to the vet right away- they were able to fit us in- and they stained and scoped his eye to make sure. Fortunately nothing major was damaged, so we got some ointment to take home- the injury should clear up in a couple days. So Kodo got some time at his very favorite place (vet) getting cooed over by a bunch of strangers (very favorite thing!!!). And we got an actual weight on him, and he is 120ish for sure. Whew!